
Note: Courses can be split, merged, and tailor-made. Challenge me!

Career courses:

Introduction to the hi-tech industry

This course explores the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of the technology sector. In this course, we map the various aspects of the hi-tech scene and gain a solid foundation in understanding the key principles, trends, and players shaping the industry. Through interactive lectures and real-world examples, learners will develop a practical understanding of industry terminology, lifecycle of tech products, roles and jobs, as well as their respective requirements. Participants will also learn what they need to do in order to get their first job in the industry.

Topics discussed in this course are:

  • Mapping the hi-tech industry: Companies, markets, sizes
  • Roles, positions, and life-cycle
  • Methodologies
  • Hi-tech terminology
  • Programming languages
  • Getting your first job

Architecture and design courses:

Design Patterns

This comprehensive Design Patterns course equips developers with the knowledge and skills to apply industry-standard design patterns in software development. Participants will delve into a wide range of patterns, including creational, structural, and behavioral patterns, gaining a solid foundation in design principles and concepts. The course can be customized to focus on relevant patterns and is available in C++, C#, Java, or Python, ensuring practical and applicable learning experiences tailored to participants' preferred programming language.

Through theoretical discussions, real-world examples, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain a thorough understanding of each design pattern's intent, structure, and application. They will develop the skills to identify suitable scenarios and effectively integrate patterns into their projects. Additionally, participants will explore the relationships between design patterns, learning how patterns can be combined to address complex software design challenges. This interactive learning environment encourages collaboration and fosters the exchange of experiences and best practices.

Upon completion, participants will possess a solid foundation in design patterns and the ability to enhance software design and development. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to leverage design patterns to create flexible, scalable, and maintainable code. Join this customizable Design Patterns course, focus on relevant patterns, and choose your preferred programming language to unlock the power of design patterns and elevate your software development skills to new heights.

Architecting software systems

This comprehensive Software Architecture course empowers developers and architects with the knowledge and skills to design and implement effective software architectures. Participants will explore architectural styles, patterns, and best practices, developing a strong foundation in designing scalable, robust, and maintainable software systems.

The course takes a holistic approach, covering vital topics such as architectural patterns, modularization, scalability, performance optimization, security considerations, and technology integration. Participants will learn to analyze requirements, make informed architectural decisions, and effectively communicate and document their design choices.

Real-world case studies, practical examples, and hands-on exercises provide participants with the opportunity to apply architectural concepts to industry-standard software systems. Collaborative discussions foster the exchange of experiences and exploration of diverse architectural solutions among participants.

Upon completion, participants will possess a profound understanding of software architecture principles and a versatile toolkit of techniques for designing resilient software systems. They will acquire the skills to analyze and evaluate architectural options, mitigate potential risks, and craft flexible, scalable, and maintainable architectures.

Join this comprehensive Software Architecture course to elevate your proficiency in designing software systems that align with the demands of modern applications. Gain practical insights, exchange experiences, and refine your ability to architect software systems that endure and thrive.

Introduction to microservices workshop


Microservices have become a popular architectural style for developing large-scale applications. In this workshop, we will discuss the concept of microservices, its benefits and drawbacks, and how it differs from traditional monolithic architectures. We will explore the key principles of microservices such as independence, scalability, and fault tolerance. We will also examine the challenges of designing, testing, deploying, and monitoring microservices. Additionally, we will discuss the use of containerization and orchestration technologies like Docker and Kubernetes in microservices architecture.

In the practical part of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with microservices by coding, deploying, and managing a sample application. Throughout the practical part, participants will gain insights into the challenges and best practices associated with designing, developing, and deploying microservices. They will also learn techniques for testing microservices individually and as a system, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. Additionally, we will explore approaches for monitoring and debugging microservices in a distributed environment, highlighting tools and practices that enable effective observability and troubleshooting.

By the end of the workshop, attendees will gain a solid understanding of microservices and will have hands-on experience with developing and managing microservices, allowing them to apply the concepts and techniques learned to their own projects or organizations.

Target audience:

Software architects, developers, product owners, DevOps engineers, and anyone who is involved in the design, development, and deployment of large-scale applications.

Programming courses:

Exploring AI workshop: Concepts, applications, and creation

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized numerous industries, enabling remarkable achievements in natural language processing, machine learning, and the latest developments in the field of generative artificial intelligence (GAI). This workshop aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of key concepts in AI, ranging from machine learning (ML) and large language models (LLM) to GAI and hallucinations.

As part of the course, we will explore phenomena such as bias and hallucinations, as well as other crucial aspects of AI, including interpretability, ethics, fairness, explainability, and privacy. These phenomena play a pivotal role in shaping the responsible development and deployment of AI systems, and our discussions will provide valuable insights into their complexities and implications.

The workshop will feature live examples of various GAI services, showcasing the power and versatility of AI in today's world. Participants will have the opportunity to explore prominent AI models such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, and others, and learn various prompt engineering techniques. By dissecting and analyzing the inner workings of these models, attendees will gain practical insights into generating high-quality outputs and effectively leveraging AI services.

Moreover, the workshop will empower participants to create their own AI tools using cutting-edge technologies and APIs. Through hands-on sessions, attendees will delve into the utilization of OpenAI API, Azure AI, LangChain, and other prominent platforms. The workshop will guide participants through the process of harnessing the capabilities of these tools to develop AI solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Key Workshop Highlights:

  • In-depth exploration of AI concepts and terminology, spanning from ML, LLM and GAI to bias and hallucinations
  • Live demonstrations of GAI services, including ChatGPT, DALL-E, and others, with a focus on prompt engineering techniques
  • Hands-on sessions for participants to create their own AI tools using OpenAI API, Azure AI, LangChain, and more
  • Practical insights into optimizing AI outputs, ensuring accuracy, and avoiding biases
  • Discussions on the ethical implications and responsible use of AI technologies

This workshop offers a unique opportunity for both beginners and AI enthusiasts to gain a comprehensive understanding of AI concepts, witness the capabilities of state-of-the-art models, and acquire the skills to develop their own AI tools. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of AI and explore its potential for innovation and transformation.

Introduction to Python programming

This course is designed to provide beginners with a comprehensive foundation in the fundamentals of Python programming. Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, has become one of the most popular programming languages in various domains, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

This course aims to equip participants with the essential knowledge and practical skills necessary to write Python code confidently and efficiently. Starting from the basics, the course progresses gradually, allowing learners to grasp the core concepts and gradually build their programming abilities.

The course curriculum begins with an introduction to Python's syntax and structure, familiarizing students with variables, data types, operators, control flow statements, and functions. Participants will then dive into more advanced topics, such as file handling, object-oriented programming (OOP), and exception handling.

Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on hands-on learning. Students will actively engage in coding exercises, mini-projects, and practical examples to reinforce their understanding and enhance their problem-solving capabilities. By the end of the course, participants will have developed a solid grasp of Python programming principles and acquired the confidence to tackle real-world coding challenges.

Key Course Topics:

  • Python fundamentals: Syntax, variables, data types, operators
  • Control flow: Conditional statements, loops
  • Functions: Definition, arguments, return values
  • Data structures: Lists, tuples, dictionaries
  • File handling: Reading, writing, and manipulating files
  • Introduction to OOP: Classes, objects, inheritance
  • Exception handling: Handling errors and exceptions
  • Introduction to modules and libraries
  • Introduction to debugging techniques
  • Best practices and coding conventions

This course is ideal for beginners with little or no prior programming experience who are eager to learn Python and embark on their programming journey. Upon completion, participants will possess a solid foundation in Python programming, empowering them to pursue further studies in specialized Python applications or even develop their own software solutions.

Smooth transition: Switching programming languages

The rapid evolution of technology and the diverse demands of the modern software development industry often require programmers to adapt and switch between programming languages. This course aims to equip experienced developers with the necessary knowledge and skills to smoothly transition from one programming language to another.

Designed for professionals proficient in at least one of the following programming languages: C++, C#, Java, or Python, this course offers a comprehensive approach to facilitate a seamless transition. Participants will explore the key similarities and differences between these languages, enabling them to leverage their existing skills while embracing the unique features and paradigms of their target language.

The course will begin with an overview of the fundamental concepts and principles underlying programming languages, establishing a solid foundation for understanding the nuances of different languages. Participants will delve into the syntax, control flow, data structures, and object-oriented programming constructs specific to each language, identifying similarities and mapping their existing knowledge.

Through hands-on exercises, coding challenges, and practical examples, participants will gain practical experience in the target language. The course will cover topics such as variable declaration, data manipulation, conditional statements, loops, functions, exception handling, and OO constructs. Emphasis will be placed on idiomatic practices and best coding practices specific to each language to promote efficient and maintainable code.

Additionally, participants will learn about popular development tools, libraries, and frameworks associated with the target languages, enabling them to leverage existing resources and accelerate their learning process. The course will also address common challenges and pitfalls encountered during the transition process, equipping participants with strategies to overcome them effectively.

This course is highly customizable according to customer requirements. Depending on the specific needs and preferences of the participants, the course content, duration, and depth of coverage can be tailored to ensure maximum relevance and effectiveness. Whether the focus is on a specific language combination or a broader exploration of multiple languages, the course can be customized to meet the unique objectives of the organization or individual learners.

Upon completing this course, participants will have acquired a solid foundation in their target programming language and developed the ability to apply their existing programming knowledge to new languages. They will be equipped with the skills to understand and adapt to language-specific conventions, design patterns, and coding styles, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition in their professional endeavors.

Whether you are a C++ aficionado exploring the world of Java, a Java developer venturing into the realm of Python, or an expert in any of these languages seeking versatility, this customizable course provides the essential toolkit to navigate the transition with confidence and succeed in the ever-evolving landscape of programming.

Kubernetes workshop


Kubernetes, the industry-standard container orchestration platform, has revolutionized the way modern applications are deployed and managed. In this immersive workshop, participants will explore Kubernetes fundamentals, covering core concepts such as pods, services, deployments, and persistent storage. Through hands-on exercises, attendees will gain practical experience in deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications in Kubernetes clusters. By mastering these essential concepts, participants will be empowered to optimize development workflows and drive innovation in their organizations, making this workshop essential for developers, architects, testers, DevOps, and anyone seeking to harness the power of Kubernetes for seamless application deployment.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Gain a solid understanding of Kubernetes architecture, components, and key features
  • Learn how to deploy, scale, and update containerized applications using Kubernetes primitives
  • Acquire practical skills through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios
  • Discover best practices for optimizing application deployment and management workflows with Kubernetes

Target audience:

  • Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Architects
  • IT Professionals interested in container orchestration


C# basics

Whether you're a complete beginner or have limited coding experience, this course will equip you with the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to start building your own C# applications.

Throughout the course, you will learn the basics of programming concepts and techniques, focusing on C# syntax, data types, variables, control structures, and functions. Each topic will be explained in a clear and concise manner, with hands-on exercises and real-world examples to reinforce your understanding.

The course will guide you through the process of setting up a development environment, writing your first C# programs, and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts like object-oriented programming (OOP). By the end of the course, you will have gained a solid foundation in C# programming and be capable of creating your own functional applications.

Additionally, the course will emphasize best practices and coding standards, ensuring that you develop good programming habits from the start. You will also be introduced to debugging techniques and resources to help you troubleshoot and solve common programming challenges.

Whether you aspire to pursue a career in software development or simply want to gain a valuable skillset, this C# course offers a supportive and engaging learning environment. Join us as we demystify the world of programming and empower you to harness the power of C# to bring your ideas to life.

Advanced C#

This advanced C# course is designed to enhance your programming skills and deepen your understanding of the C# language. Building upon the fundamentals, this course explores advanced concepts, techniques, and best practices that will empower you to create robust, efficient, and maintainable C# applications.

Throughout the course, you will dive into a range of selected topics that are essential for mastering C# development. These topics include:

  • Generics: Understand how to write generic classes, methods, and delegates to create reusable and type-safe code
  • LINQ (Language Integrated Query): Learn how to leverage LINQ to query various data sources, including collections, databases, and XML, using a consistent syntax
  • Multithreading and Parallel Programming: Gain knowledge about threading concepts, synchronization mechanisms, and parallel programming techniques to write efficient and concurrent code
  • Asynchronous Programming: Explore asynchronous programming patterns and techniques using the async/await pattern, allowing your applications to handle I/O operations efficiently and maintain responsiveness
  • Advanced Exception Handling: Discover advanced exception handling techniques such as custom exception classes, exception filters, and global exception handling strategies to create robust error handling mechanisms
  • Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Programming: Deepen your understanding of advanced OOP concepts, such as polymorphism, inheritance, interfaces, and the SOLID principles, and their practical applications in C#
  • Performance Optimization: Discover techniques to improve the performance of your C# applications, including memory management, profiling, caching strategies, and code optimization.

By the end of this advanced C# course, you will have gained the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle complex programming challenges, write high-quality code, and build robust and efficient applications using C#. Whether you're an experienced C# developer or looking to enhance your skills, this course will empower you to take your C# programming expertise to the next level.

Please note that this advanced C# course can be customized to meet the specific needs and goals of the participants. The listed topics provide an initial list that can be adjusted or expanded upon based on the requirements and interests of the participants.

Additionally, the course structure allows for interactive discussions, hands-on exercises, and code reviews, enabling participants to gain practical experience and receive personalized guidance throughout the learning process.

For further details on customization options or to discuss specific requirements, please contact me.

What's new in C# and .NET

The "What's New in C# and .NET" course offers developers an opportunity to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the C# programming language and the .NET framework, providing a comprehensive overview of the new features and enhancements introduced in each new version. As C# and .NET continues to evolve, it is crucial for professionals to familiarize themselves with these updates to leverage the language's full potential and maintain a competitive edge in the software development industry.

This course aims to empower experienced C# developers with the knowledge and practical understanding necessary to embrace the newest features seamlessly. Starting from the most recent versions of C# and .NET, the course will delve into the key improvements introduced in a comprehensive and organized manner.

Furthermore, depending on the version of C# you are currently using, the course may also cover relevant features and enhancements from older versions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the C# programming language's evolution.

Participants will explore a range of topics, including language syntax enhancements, new data types, performance optimizations, improved productivity features, and advancements in frameworks and libraries. Through hands-on exercises, code examples, and practical demonstrations, participants will gain a deep understanding of how these new features can be leveraged to write cleaner, more efficient, and maintainable code.

Key Course Topics:

  • Overview of the latest C# and .NET versions and their significance
  • Language syntax enhancements and simplifications
  • New data types and improvements in type inference
  • Performance optimizations and runtime improvements
  • Productivity features and enhancements in the development process
  • Advancements in frameworks and libraries
  • Backward compatibility considerations and migration strategies
  • Best practices for adopting new C# features in existing projects
  • Practical hands-on exercises and real-world examples

This course is designed for experienced C# developers seeking to update their skills and knowledge with the latest advancements in the language. By participating in this course, professionals will gain a deep understanding of the new features and improvements introduced in each C# version, enabling them to write more efficient, maintainable, and future-proof code.

Upon completion, participants will be equipped with the necessary insights and practical expertise to leverage the latest C# and .NET features in their projects, enhance their productivity, and make informed decisions when adopting new language capabilities. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing the latest advancements in C# and .NET, developers can deliver high-quality software solutions that meet the evolving demands of the industry.

Mastering multitasking in C#

In today's fast-paced software development landscape, creating efficient and responsive applications is essential. This course offers an in-depth exploration of concurrent programming techniques, focusing on the powerful tools provided by the C# programming language to achieve efficient multitasking.

This comprehensive course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to design, implement, and manage concurrent applications using various multitasking paradigms. Starting with a solid foundation in the basics of threads and thread synchronization, participants will then move on to advanced concepts such as asynchronous programming with tasks and the modern async/await pattern.

Course Highlights:

  1. Understanding threads and concurrency:

    • Introduction to threads and their role in concurrent programming
    • Thread synchronization mechanisms and avoiding common pitfalls
    • Managing thread lifecycle, thread-safe data structures, and avoiding race conditions
  2. Task-based asynchronous programming:

    • Introduction to tasks as a higher-level abstraction for concurrency
    • Asynchronous vs. synchronous programming paradigms
    • Creating and managing tasks, cancellation, and exception handling
  3. Parallel programming:

    • Exploring the Task Parallel Library (TPL) and parallelism patterns
    • Leveraging parallelism for CPU-bound tasks using the Parallel class
    • Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) for querying data in parallel
    • Understanding ThreadPool and its role in managing threads
    • Asynchronous I/O operations and their impact on application responsiveness
    • Best practices and considerations for optimizing prallel execution
  4. Async/await pattern:

    • Deep dive into the async/await keywords and their significance
    • Writing asynchronous code that is readable, maintainable, and efficient
    • Exception handling and debugging in asynchronous scenarios
  5. Designing scalable and responsive applications:

    • Strategies for designing applications that can handle high levels of concurrency
    • Analyzing and profiling multitasking performance bottlenecks
    • Real-world case studies and best practices for developing responsive software

By the end of this course, participants will have gained a deep understanding of how to harness the power of threads, tasks, and async/await to build responsive, efficient, and scalable applications in C#. They will be equipped to confidently tackle real-world scenarios involving concurrency and deliver software that meets modern performance expectations.

Whether you're a beginner seeking to master the fundamentals or an experienced developer aiming to refine your multitasking skills, this course will provide you with the tools to excel in the world of concurrent programming using C#.


Java fundamentals: A comprehensive introduction to java programming

The Java Fundamentals course is designed to provide beginners with a solid foundation in the world of Java programming. This comprehensive course will take participants on a journey from the basic concepts of Java to more advanced topics, enabling them to build their skills and confidence as Java developers.

The course begins with an overview of the Java programming language, its history, and its role in modern software development. Participants will then dive into the core concepts of Java, including variables, data types, operators, control structures, and methods. Through hands-on coding exercises and practical examples, learners will develop a strong understanding of these fundamental building blocks.

As the course progresses, participants will explore object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java, a key paradigm that underlies the language. They will learn about classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, and how to apply these concepts to create robust and maintainable code.

Furthermore, the course covers essential Java features such as exception handling, file I/O, and working with collections. Participants will gain practical experience in handling errors, reading and writing data to files, and managing collections of objects efficiently.

To reinforce the concepts learned, the course provides numerous coding exercises and mini-projects, allowing participants to practice their skills in real-world scenarios. Throughout the course, participants will also be introduced to best practices and coding conventions, enabling them to write clean, readable, and maintainable Java code.

By the end of the course, participants will have acquired a solid understanding of Java programming and be equipped with the skills needed to develop simple to moderately complex Java applications. Whether aspiring to pursue a career in software development or simply looking to expand their programming knowledge, this course provides a strong starting point for anyone interested in Java.

Advanced Java programming with Spring

This course is an intensive program that combines the power of advanced Java programming concepts with the versatility and productivity of the Spring framework. This comprehensive course is designed for experienced Java developers who want to elevate their skills and become proficient in building enterprise-grade applications using Spring.

The course begins by exploring advanced Java topics, including advanced object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, design patterns, and architectural principles. Participants will dive into advanced Java features such as lambda expressions, functional interfaces, and streams, enabling them to write concise and expressive code. They will also learn how to apply SOLID principles and design patterns effectively to solve common software development challenges.

Building on this foundation, participants will delve into the Spring framework. They will learn how to leverage the core features of Spring, such as dependency injection (DI) and inversion of control (IoC), to design modular and loosely coupled applications.

Next, we'll focus on Spring: We'll start with Spring Web and learn how to develop robust and scalable web applications using Spring MVC's features, including request mapping, data binding, validation, and handling RESTful APIs. Then we will delve into Spring Data, a powerful module that simplifies data access and persistence. We will learn how to work with relational databases using Spring JDBC, JPA, and Hibernate, and how to leverage Spring Data repositories for efficient CRUD operations. Participants will gain insights into transaction management and advanced querying techniques.

The course introduces participants to other essential libraries and tools. For example, we will explore Lombok, a library that streamlines Java development by automatically generating common code patterns. We will also learn about Flyway, a powerful database migration tool, and how to integrate it with Spring applications for efficient schema management.

Throughout the course, participants will work on hands-on projects and coding assignments that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills in practical situations. They will also gain insights into testing methodologies, debugging techniques, and performance optimization strategies specific to Spring-based applications.

Upon completion of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of advanced Java concepts and the expertise to build enterprise-grade applications using the Spring framework. Whether pursuing a career as a Java developer, a Spring developer, or an enterprise application architect, this course provides a solid foundation for mastering modern Java development.

What's new in Java

The "What's New in Java" course provides Java developers with a comprehensive understanding of the latest innovations and enhancements introduced in each new version of the Java programming language. As Java continues to evolve, staying up-to-date with the latest features and improvements is vital for developers to leverage the full potential of the language and build cutting-edge applications.

This course aims to equip experienced Java developers with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to embrace the newest features seamlessly. Starting from the most recent version of Java, the course dives into the key advancements in a structured and organized manner. Furthermore, depending on the version of Java you are currently using, the course may also cover relevant features and enhancements from older versions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the Java programming language's evolution.

Participants will explore a wide range of topics, including language enhancements, new APIs, performance optimizations, security improvements, and updates to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Through hands-on exercises, code examples, and practical demonstrations, participants will gain a deep understanding of how these new features can be effectively applied in their projects.

Key Course Topics:

  • Overview of the latest Java version and its significance
  • Language enhancements and new syntax features
  • Updates to the standard libraries and new APIs
  • Performance optimizations and JVM improvements
  • Security enhancements and best practices
  • Modularization and project structures
  • Integration with new frameworks and tools
  • Compatibility considerations and migration strategies
  • Adopting new language features in existing codebases
  • Practical hands-on exercises and real-world examples

This course is tailored for experienced Java developers who wish to update their skills and knowledge with the latest advancements in the language. By participating in this course, professionals will gain an in-depth understanding of the new features and improvements introduced in each Java version, enabling them to write more efficient, secure, and maintainable code.

Upon completion, participants will possess the necessary insights and practical expertise to leverage the latest Java features in their projects, enhance their productivity, and make informed decisions when adopting new language capabilities. By staying abreast of the latest innovations in Java, developers can build robust and modern applications that meet the evolving demands of the industry.


Advanced C++

The Advanced C++ course offers a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of modern C++ programming techniques and the underlying fundamentals that power this versatile language. Designed for experienced developers looking to elevate their C++ skills, this course covers a range of advanced topics to enable participants to write efficient, maintainable, and robust C++ code. The course can be customized to include one or more of the follwoing topics, allowing organizers to focus on areas that align with their specific interests and learning goals.

The course begins with an overview of Modern C++ (C++11 onwards), highlighting key language features and improvements that have been introduced. Participants will delve into the latest standards and understand how to leverage the power of modern C++ to write expressive and concise code.

One of the core focuses of the course is mastering the principles of Effective C++. Participants will learn effective coding practices and design guidelines to enhance code readability, performance, and maintainability. Through real-world examples and hands-on exercises, participants will gain insights into utilizing C++ effectively and avoiding common pitfalls.

Another significant aspect of the course is exploring template internals. Templates are a powerful tool in C++ that enable generic programming. Participants will gain a deep understanding of template metaprogramming techniques, including template specialization, variadic templates, and SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error). By understanding template internals, participants will be able to harness the full potential of templates and write highly flexible and reusable code.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of C++, it is essential to look "under the hood" and examine the internals of the language. The course dives into compiled code, enabling participants to comprehend how C++ code is transformed and optimized during compilation. For example, participants will gain insights into exception implementations, allowing them to understand the mechanisms behind exception handling in C++ and make informed design decisions.

Lastly, the course explores the relationship between C++ and its predecessor, C. Participants will examine the similarities and differences between the two languages, understanding how C++ builds upon the foundations of C while providing additional features and benefits. Through comparative analysis and practical examples, participants will appreciate the advantages of using C++ over C for various programming tasks (and overcome their fear of hidden performance costs).

By the end of the Advanced C++ course, participants will have acquired a deep understanding of modern C++ techniques, effective coding practices, template metaprogramming, and the internals of the language. Armed with this knowledge, participants will be well-equipped to write high-quality, efficient, and maintainable C++ code, harnessing the full potential of the language.

What's new in C++

The "What's New in C++" course offers C++ developers an opportunity to explore and understand the latest advancements and features introduced in the evolving landscape of the C++ programming language. As C++ continues to evolve, staying up-to-date with the newest capabilities and improvements is essential for developers to leverage the language's full potential and develop modern, efficient, and robust applications.

This comprehensive course aims to equip experienced C++ developers with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to embrace the newest features seamlessly. Starting from the most recent version of C++, the course delves into the key enhancements in a structured and systematic manner.

Participants will explore a wide range of topics, including modern language features, performance optimizations, standard library updates, concurrency improvements, and best practices. Through practical examples, hands-on exercises, and real-world scenarios, participants will gain a deep understanding of how to effectively utilize these new features in their C++ projects.

The course curriculum is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different versions of C++. Depending on the specific version participants are using, the course will cover relevant features from older versions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the language's evolution. This approach enables professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest C++ releases and seamlessly transition their existing codebases to incorporate new functionalities.

Key Course Topics:

  • Overview of the latest C++ version and its significance
  • Modern language features and syntax enhancements
  • Updates to the C++ standard library and new APIs
  • Performance optimizations and memory management improvements
  • Concurrency and parallel programming enhancements
  • Introduction to new tools and development methodologies
  • Compatibility considerations and migration strategies
  • Best practices for leveraging new features in existing projects
  • Practical hands-on exercises and real-world examples

This course caters to experienced C++ developers who seek to update their skills and knowledge with the latest advancements in the language. By participating in this course, professionals will gain a comprehensive understanding of the new features and improvements introduced in each C++ version, empowering them to write efficient, modern, and maintainable code.

Upon completion, participants will possess the necessary insights and practical expertise to leverage the latest C++ features in their projects, enhance their productivity, and make informed decisions when adopting new language capabilities. By staying abreast of the latest innovations in C++, developers can unlock the full potential of the language and build robust and performant applications that meet the evolving demands of the industry.

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact me and I'll create a course especially for you!